Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Tanks: Playtest Game

I tried out Tanks today using a couple of counters from Airfix Battles to stand in for model tanks, with one US Sherman M4 versus a German Panzer IV. The game ran pretty smoothly, as I only used two tanks with an upgrade card each, so it didn't take long to play through the basic scenario to a fair conclusion. In the end the Panzer IV suffered two hits and two criticals, one of which was a bail out, so I left it at that point rather than playing on to the end. I think the Sherman crew would count it as a victory, even though the panzer crew could have re-mounted their tank as it was still working and hadn't actually blown up. I enjoyed the game so will be looking around for some cheap pre-painted plastic or diecast tanks to use instead of the card counters, saving the plastic kits for use with my miniature wargaming projects.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Tanks: The WWII Skirmish Game

I had a £25 Amazon voucher for Xmas, so had a look for something to blow it on and decided that the Gale Force Nine Tanks! starter set would be a good idea. I have read some positive reviews of this 'beer and pretzels' miniatures game and could use the 1/100 scale models for other things if I didn't like it, so it seemed like an opportunity to give it a try. I also added a second Panther to the order to use up the voucher and to make for a more interesting challenge for the US player. I think the boys will like this and will be keen to give it a go, although I quite like the idea of scaling it down to 1/144th and using pre-painted plastic tanks on a smaller area?