I've been scouring my bookshelves both digital and dusty for reference material that might be useful when developing my ideas for X Craft Command. As you can see, it's not a bad starting point, as I've read a couple of these before and have only added one new title to the library, The Sea Devils by Mark Felton, as this covers the operations of XE Craft in the Far East which I'm not familiar with. I'll hopefully get a better idea if this is a feasible project and be able to flesh out some initial thoughts about how it might actually work, that won't just fit on the back of the proverbial fag packet.
Welcome to my solo board wargaming blog. I like a nice cuppa and a decent doorstep sarnie with my games, so it's time to get a brew on! This blog will follow my occasional adventures in hex and counter board wargaming, 'off the shelf' pre-painted miniature wargaming and 'print and play' paper wargaming. I like to keep it really simple so there's more 'beer and pretzels' than high complexity number crunching on the menu.
Thursday, 28 April 2022
Thursday, 21 April 2022
X Craft Command
I had an idea out of the blue today. Could the Night Fighter Command system be adapted to wargame the X or XE Craft midget submarine missions against the Tirpitz and the Japanese heavy cruiser Takao in 1943-45? This sounds daft but I think it might work, if you adapt the search and attack mechanisms to the avoidance of underwater navigation hazards, torpedo nets, mines and enemy patrol boats, the objective being to plant explosive charges or limpet mines under the target then try to get away. The crew would have suitable skill ratings and would have to use these to pass skills tests for piloting / navigation, stealthy use of the periscope, management of buoyancy and mechanical problems, and underwater frogman tasks. There would be mission route maps for the fjords of Norway and Singapore Harbour. I need to give this some more thought and do some research but I reckon it's got potential?
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Nightfighter Command v6: Sortie 3
I squeezed in a third sortie for F/Sgt Walker and Sgt Jones of 609 Squadron yesterday, flown on 11th May 1941 in light rain, a fresh Force 5 breeze, 5/10th's cloud cover and a full moon, with the Portland circuit once again but this time with a new, less experienced GCI controller (Skill 2). Things looked good to start with as the GCI vectored the Beaufighter onto a target in the first zone after take off, a Heinkel III (Evade 1 / Spotting 1 / Attack 3) but the vector was way off and the chase continued for four more zones until an Approach with radar was possible.
In the meantime, F/Sgt Walker noticed that his port undercarriage hadn't locked in properly on take off, but he decided to carry on regardless, trusting Sgt Jones would get a good AI interception.
In fact, Sgt Jones did manage to guide the night fighter into close range at 5'o'clock but this time it was the pilot who failed to spot the bomber that put a spanner in the works, although the bomber crew also missed the night fighter in the darkness. Moving around to a 6 o'clock position, Sgt Jones now guided F/Sgt Walker into a perfect close range position, where he spotted the Heinkel and opened fire with four seconds of cannon rounds.
These slammed into the fuselage and port wing but failed to hit anything vital. The Heinkel rear gunner spotted the night fighter and returned fire, his spraying wide of the night fighter, while the pilot failed to evade, flying on straight and level in shock. This gave F/Sgt Walker a second chance and, with no hesitation, he slammed another four second burst into the bomber, hitting the tail, fuselage and port wing again, causing the aircraft to break up in mid flight, the pilot and radio operator failing to bail out in time before it crashed into the sea in a shower of debris.
This was another probable, due to the location in Lyme Bay and the fact that the crew were not captured, eventually being picked up by an enemy torpedo boat. The Beaufighter now flew on three more zones until a new contact was made with another Heinkel III (Evade 4 / Spotting 3 / Attack 1) over Studland, the GCI once again vectoring them way off target, although spot on for altitude.
The chase began but an AI equipment malfunction had to be fixed by Sgt Jones before an approach could be made, whilst also reloading the cannons for a second attack. The AI malfunction was eventually sorted out but by this time, the night fighter crew were approaching Middle Wallop and so F/Sgt Walker decided to abandon the chase and land, hoping that the port undercarriage would successfully lock down before he made his approach.
Luckily, the landing went smoothly for a change and crew breathed a sigh of relief as they taxied to dispersal. F/Sgt Walker's third 'probable' and his excellent flying skills in a tricky landing, meant that he was awarded an immediate DFM, while Sgt Jones already had a Mention in Dispatches, so had to go without any gongs for this sortie. Both of the crew now have a few days leave before they will be flying again, with only two more aircraft shot down to give them the chance of a skills upgrade.
Monday, 18 April 2022
Aquitaine: Chevauchee 1355
The first campaign game of Aquitaine ended in disaster for the English routiers, with a defeat by the massed army of John the Good at Perigeux, where the Black Prince, Chandos and Audley were attacked by the entire French army of John the Good. The English had captured Guyenne and Brive, taxing but not capturing Tulle, Cahors, Perigeux and Rocamadour, yet underestimated the distance the French army could cover when they managed to roll a six for movement in turn three. The Black Prince unwisely chose to evade rather than dig-in, while John opted for a hasty attack, the end result being an overwhelming advantage for the French and total defeat for the English. In their defence, I'm very rusty with the rules and made a couple of bad decisions, so they should do better next time?
Sunday, 17 April 2022
As a bit of a change, I'll be playing the Society of Ancients, Hundred Years War hex and counter game Aquitaine, originally published as part of Paddy Griffith's Book of Sandhurst Wargames. I used to play this using my copy of the book but have since got hold of the later edition, which is basically the same but with a thinner counters and a booklet for the rules. It's a mini-campaign based on an English 'chevauchee' or war ride in the 1350's, with the Black Prince leading his army to capture and tax the towns in central and southern France, while the French under John the Good try to bring him to battle. It's good fun and quite fast to play, so I should get at least a couple of games in over the next few days.
Corvette Command Campaign March-April 1942 [6]
Saturday, 16 April 2022
Corvette Command Campaign March 1942 [5]
March 1942
HMCS Windflower
Slow convoy (SC/73) of 48 merchant ships from LIVERPOOL to ST JOHNS.
5th-9th March
Convoy departs LIVERPOOL, violent storm in Irish Sea and Western Approaches, only three stragglers but conditions very rough making convoy discipline a challenge for commodore. At least the U-Boats are having it rough too.
10th - 11th March
Storm force winds finally subside as high pressure system moves in but drop in temperature results in thick fog and limited visibility. Convoy Commodore orders HMSC Windflower to round up three stragglers from the storm.
09.55 U-Boat sighted on surface, bearing 067 degrees at long range (2000yds), engaging straggler MV St Athan (3000t), general cargo, with E/S deck gun. 4'' gun to action stations, two rounds fired but no hits as E/S crash dives.
10.04 ASDIC contact at medium range, bearing 046 degrees closing to short range, with D/C pattern dropped from stern rails.
10.23 ASDIC maintains contact and second D/C pattern fired from starboard launchers, followed by third pattern from stern rails.
10.42 ASDIC contact maintained, fourth D/C pattern fired from starboard launchers, flotsam and oil spotted on surface, ASDIC contact fades. Probable E/S sunk.
C/O orders an extra tot for all hands. Jolly Good Show!
HMCS Windflower to abandon search after W/O reports MV St Athan has re-joined convoy.
12th March
Fog disperses but poor weather conditions, with rough swell and gusting winds, although convoy makes good progress.
22.36 Tanker M/V Empire Pride (16000t), in ballast, hit by torpedo on starboard side, settles on an even keel, crew picked up HMCS St Croix going alongside to lift off survivors despite rough seas. Exemplary seamanship!
22.58 M/V Loch Fyne (3000t), general cargo, hit by torpedo in engine room, goes down by stern, only two survivors picked up from raft.
23.04 ASDIC detects E/S bearing 310 degrees, medium range (1200yds), closing to short range (200yds). D/C pattern fired from starboard and port launchers. Probable hits.
23.15 ASDIC loses contact with E/S. Despite repeated attempts to regain contact, E/S evades detection.
23.45 Search for E/S called off, HMCS Windflower returns to convoy, ASDIC op given a talking to by Number One!
12th - 13th March
Expected Wolfpack attack fails to materialise, despite weather conditions improving and sea state calm, with light swell. Must have caught Jerry on the hop! C/O orders RADAR and ASDIC on watch for E/S activity, with extra lookouts posted just in case. The commodore orders all ships to maintain constant, zig zag as good visibility and calm sea will make an easy target for the U-Boats.
13th - 17th March
Weather remains good for remainder of convoy. No E/S activity, suggesting strong defence and convoy discipline have sent them packing!
18th March
Arrive ST JOHNS. A successful convoy, with only four merchants lost, one straggler, MV Quimper (9000t), in ballast, making port two days later. C/O orders all hands to remain aboard for refuelling and rearming, as next convoy to depart in two days time.
That was a relatively uneventful escort job, with minimal losses to the convoy and one U Boat sunk as a 'probable' having taken four hits from the depth charge attack. The ASDIC operator did a cracking job but the RADAR and lookout weren't great, with the 4'' gun crew yet again failing to hit anything (although it was at long range). The crew of HMCS Windflower gained another 2VP for a major allied victory, which would have been 3VP if two out of three of those stragglers hadn't been lost.
Friday, 15 April 2022
Corvette Command Convoy Five
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Nightfighter Command Now Out and it's Free
Now available as a free download from BGG and via the Nightfighter Command FB group, and will soon be available from Wargame Vault too. What's not to like? Tally Ho!
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Nightfighter Command v6: Sortie 2
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Nightfighter Command v6: Sortie 1
Monday, 11 April 2022
Corvette Command March 1942
Saturday, 9 April 2022
Nightfighter Command Crew Number Two
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F/Sgt 'Johnnie' Walker and Sgt 'Taffy' Jones |